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Developing Healthy Self-Esteem with Montessori

Mariana Bissonnette


Learn about developing strong and healthy self-esteem and self-confidence with Montessori principles with Mariana! In this workshop, you will learn how to identify the key obstacle in your child’s self-esteem, gain Montessori aligned tools and insights to improve self-esteem and self-confidence, and how this will all build the strongest foundation for lifelong success.



Mariana is an experienced and passionate advocate for supporting children and caregivers during life’s most critical years of development. Mariana has over a decade of work in Montessori classrooms, is a former Montessori school leader, and has supported over 2000 families with group and 1:1 support through her program The PEACE Program. She is also the author of the award-winning book, Babies Build Toddlers: A Montessori Guide to Parenting the First 18 Months. Through The PEACE Program, she works with families and educators in service of the liberation of the child from oppressive systems that constrain the child’s ability to develop as they are trying to.

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