Kira SolomatovaUSA

Kira Solomatova has a Bachelor’s Degree in Child Development. Although both of her parents were engineers, Kira dreamed of working with children from the time she was just seven years old, finally becoming a preschool teacher at the age of nineteen. After teaching preschool for many years, Kira discovered RIE® and became a RIE® Associate. Not only is RIE inspirational by advocating for children, it also helped Kira become a more authentic person herself. She published her first book, Toby is My Bear, as part of a conflict resolution series for preschoolers, and she has a blog about conflicts with toddlers and preschoolers at Kira teaches RIE® Parent-Infant Guidance™ classes and workshops, and does private consultations in English and Russian.

Videos (1)

Kira Solomatova

Writing Social Stories for the Classroom and at Home