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Applying Montessori principles into Parent Education

Eder Cuevas Iturralde


Every person becoming parent enter in a beautiful new journey. The process involves some challenges during the different stages of human development for both as the infant/adolescent and as a parent in the ongoing growth. It makes a huge different the kind of support we experiment in the journey, as teachers and schools being capable to observe not just the child/adolescent, but their parents might become an aid to life.

  • Parents
  • Teachers
  • Challenges
  • Stages
  • Community



Executive Director of Montessori México, AMI Administrators trainer, Development director of Montessori de Chihuahua school and Montessori Sports consultant.

In more than 20 years of experience in Montessori education, Eder has beenaccompanying schools in North America, Latin-American and Europe as speaker and consultant.

A passionate of education, committed to support the development of children and adolescents in vulnerable environments as prisons, poverty, and developing communities.

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