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Beyond the Game: Montessori Approach to Sports

Patrick Oudejans


Recent challenges have highlighted the need to prioritize the physical, mental, and social-emotional health of children. Dr. Montessori’s emphasis on movement for child development and well-being is more relevant than ever.

In this presentation, Patrick Oudejans explores physical exercise as essential self-care and a foundation for wellness. He discusses how building physical literacy using Montessori principles authentically implements the Montessori Movement and Physical Education Curriculum.

We will examine practical ways to introduce sports to young children, emphasizing the importance of modeling behavior and creating a well-organized environment. By integrating wellness-related concepts and activities into the learning experience, we can better prepare children for life in uncertain times. Integrating sports and Montessori principles helps shape a healthier, more active, and empathetic future generation.

00:00 Introduction and Agenda

00:20 Patrick’s Background and Journey

01:43 Montessori Sports: Vision and Mission

03:04 Challenges and Achievements

04:53 The Role of Sports in Montessori Education

06:43 Physical Education vs. Sports

08:14 Addressing Sedentary Lifestyles

09:26 Implementing Sports Across Developmental Planes

12:44 Sports in the Home Environment

17:15 Competition as a Developmental Tool


Patrick Oudejans

Patrick Oudejans launched his coaching career in 2005, focusing on children aged 6-12. Graduating with an Honors Bachelor’s degree in Sports Management and Business in 2014, he conducted his thesis at the AFC Ajax youth academy. In 2013, he joined Ajax as a Data Analyst, contributing to Plan Cruyff and exploring international football environments. Moving to Cruyff Football in 2015, he expanded globally and piloted sports integration into Montessori environments in Beijing in 2017, establishing two CASA programs. Co-founding Montessori Sports in 2018, Patrick created an AMI-accredited program in 2020 to integrate sports into children’s daily activities, showcasing his commitment to educational improvement through sport.

Sylvia Arotin
Sylvia Arotin is an award winning international speaker and trainer in early childhood. She has had over 14 years experience in Montessori teaching and is the founder and director of My Montessori (0-6 yrs) school in Sydney, Australia. Her passion for children’s learning and development, as well as supporting and educating adults, has been fundamental in founding the Guide & Grow brand now with over 320,000 members globally. She holds an International Montessori 0-3yrs training, 3-6 AMI Assistants training, an International Communications degree and a Masters in Teaching specializing in early childhood (0-5 yrs) (Honours) from Macquarie University.

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