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Diversity, Inclusion and Equity

Dr. Amira Mogaji


An equitable, inclusive and diverse environment is so incredibly important. We sat down with Dr Mogaji to talk about just how much of a role it plays in a child’s development.

Dr Mogaji discusses the role of the adult, as well as family and the importance they play in maintaining an equitable educational environment. She also shares advice and practical tips to guide you in establishing an inclusive education setting.


Dr. Amira Mogaji

Dr. Amira Mogaji is the President of the American Montessori Society (AMS) Board of Directors and a Montessori for Social Justice Board of Directors founding board member. Amira serves as an AMS Board liaison for the AMS Peace and Social Justice Committee, chairs the AMS board executive committee, and is a member of the directorship committee. Amira served as CEO/Head of School of Philadelphia Montessori Charter School, the principal of an AMS accredited Northglade Montessori Magnet School within an urban school district as well as the chief academic officer City Garden Montessori School, an anti-bias, anti-racist (ABAR) focused Montessori school. She has served as a Culturally Responsive Education (CRE) facilitator, served as a member of the school district’s Anti-Racism Team, and is a member of the ERACCE: Eliminating Racism and Creating/Celebrating Equity board of directors in Kalamazoo, MI. Dr. Mogaji currently serves as a District Transformation Coach (DTC), supporting school principals in educational equity and systems planning in an urban school district in southwest Michigan. Amira is a Montessori parent and an ABAR educational consultant. AMS-credentialed (Administrator).

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