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How to Build a Relationship with Your Child to Weather Any Storm 

Dona Matthews


A strong and loving relationship with your child is your most important parenting asset in the long run. Building that relationship inevitably includes problematic experiences where one or both of you get it wrong. If you can learn to welcome the failures and challenges as learning opportunities, you and your child will come through them together with deepened love and respect, ready to weather together the next storm that comes along. I’ll talk about research-validated tools that support you in doing that, including self-awareness, acceptance, gratitude, mindfulness, positivity, social support, respect for self and others, self-care, and creative self-expression.



Dona Matthews, Ph.D., has worked with children, families, and schools since 1990. She taught psychology and education at universities in Canada and the U.S., and ran a private practice focused on giftedness and other special needs. She was the founding Director of the Hunter College Center for Gifted Studies and Education, City University of New York, and has published dozens of articles and book chapters. She is the author or editor of six books on various aspects of supporting children’s optimal development. Her most recent book is Imperfect Parenting: How to Build a Relationship with Your Child to Weather Any Storm.


Lucie Brixí Tamášová is first of all a mother of three (+two) children. She has made a significant impact through her NGO, Centrum Dialog, which provides education to underprivileged children in Kenya and Guinea. She is also the owner of, a shop specializing in Montessori materials and didactical toys. Lucie’s passion for empowering children extends beyond her NGO work; she is the founder of the Childhood Potential Conference and Montessori Parenting courses. As a fervent Montessori enthusiast, Lucie is committed to connecting people and ensuring the Montessori message reaches a global audience by bringing the best speakers to her events. Her work reflects a profound dedication to creating a brighter future for children across the globe.

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