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It Takes a Village to Raise a Child

Gavin McCormack


The leaders of tomorrow lay dormant in the children of today. Academic excellence is important, but essential skills such as love, empathy, resilience and acceptance cannot be overlooked. In this heartfelt talk, Gavin McCormack adjusts our perspective of what the word ‘education’ truly means.

Gavin McCormack is a trained Montessori teacher, children’s author, teacher trainer, philanthropist and school principal. While working in the teaching profession for over twenty years, he has used his experience and training to understand what it means to truly educate with true intention. Initially trained as a mainstream primary school teacher, Gavin re-trained as a Montessori teacher where he found the understanding and experience that has inspired him to build several schools and teacher training centres in the Himalayan regions of Nepal. Gavin has trained teachers, parents and educational leaders across the world. His passion for educational reform, with a strong emphasis on Montessori within the home, has driven him to attempt to put these thoughts into words. He believes that for a child to reach their full potential, the school and home environment must work in harmony.


Gavin McCormack

Having written a series of books for both children and adults on education, researching and representing Sir Kenny Dalglish’s Life story as a rhyming picture book, running his own publishing firm, charity and being school Principal, Gavin McCormack, nominated for Australian Principal of the year 2020, was also named as the 10th most Influential Educator in the world by Linkedin.

On a quest for educational equality, Gavin has run hundreds of miles for charity to raise money to personally build schools, libraries and teacher training centres in the Himalayan region of Nepal, all this whilst successfully running one of Australia’s best Montessori primary schools, Gavin knows what it means to work with intention.

During his engaging talks, Gavin proves that when we discover what it is, that truly makes our heart sing, and if we really want to see change in the world, we must first shift our mindset to a place where failure is all part of the journey. Ultimately, the change we wish to see in others lies within.

Gavin makes strong links between the way our classrooms run to the patterns we see emerging in today’s society. He emphasizes the importance of essential skill development and the power that these skills will have in the future of our youngest entrepreneurs and leaders of tomorrow.

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