George NăzăreanuRomania

I am a curious biologist, visual artist, storyteller, National Geographic Educator, and have been an explorer since I was 5 years old. I have worked for 10 years in Educational and Scientific research at the National Natural History Museum and for the past 6 years, I work as a Naturalist Teacher at Karin’s Kids Academy, Bucharest, România.

Knowing that play is the most effective way children learn, I develop play-based and curiosity-led educational projects in Early Childhood Education at Karin’s Kids Academy and I inspire children to develop their Explorer’s Mindset through authentic learning experiences in nature.

Videos (2)

George Năzăreanu

Education in Nature

Lidia Grecu, George Năzăreanu

Introducing Sensorial Materials and the Natural World to Babies and Toddlers