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Connecting with Babies and Young Children: How to Slow Down without Guilt or Boredom

Ruth Anne Hammond, M.A., Kira Solomatova


Whether you are a teacher or a parent, how hard is it to set aside the worry that if you slow down, you will either not get everything done, or that you will want to just fall asleep? The day with babies can feel like an eternity, or it can fly by. You can either feel filled and satisfied, or exhausted and depleted by the end. This workshop is designed to help you find the energy in each moment, whether during diapering, feeding or quietly observing what the children are doing, or even while comforting their cries. It’s not about what is happening so much as about how you are as it happens. Through experimental exploration, demonstration, and video observation, Ruth Anne and Kira will lead participants to a new viewpoint about what it means to be busy, a new level of self-awareness, and a richer understanding of how productive mindfulness helps them do their very best for babies and young children.


Kira Solomatova-2

Kira Solomatova has a Bachelor’s Degree in Child Development. Although both of her parents were engineers, Kira dreamed about working with children from the time she was seven years old. Having taught preschool for many years in Pasadena, Kira discovered RIE® and became a RIE® Associate because not only is it inspirational because it advocates for babies, but because it has helped her to become more authentic. She published her first book, Toby is My Bear, as part of a conflict resolution series for preschoolers, and she has a blog about conflicts with toddlers and preschoolers, She founded Our Parenting Place with a partner, designed to help parents be more effective, find support, acquire information and network ( and has a wide following on social media. Kira teaches RIE® Parent-Infant Guidance™ classes, leads workshops, and offers private consultation in English and Russian.

Ruth Anne Hammond, M.A.

Ruth Anne Hammond, consultant and author of Respecting Babies: A Guide to Educaring for Parents & Professionals  2nd Edition (Zero to Three 2019), is a RIE® Mentor, and past-President of Resources for Infant Educarers®. She was faculty in the Human Development Department at Pacific Oaks College & Children’s School, as well as head of its Infant/Toddler-Parent Program. She currently leads RIE® courses for parents and professionals in the US and abroad and  studies affective neuroscience with Dr. Allan N. Schore.

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