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Following the Child: The Montessori Infant

Amy Dorsch


Feeding, changing, sleep, wake time. How long? How much? Is this enough? Is this right? Life with an infant is like a puzzle to solve, or is it? Could it be that there’s more to infancy than timing everything just perfectly and checking off all the boxes?

In this workshop we will take a look at how responsive caregiving can transform the adult-child relationship during the infant’s first year of life. What does it actually look like to “follow” an infant? What can we learn about supporting infants through observation? Is it possible to let an infant lead? What does this look like in practice?

Join me to take a look at not only why Dr. Montessori’s broader principles can apply to infants, but just how you can implement these practices at home with the infant in your care.


Amy Dorsch

Amy is a passionate Montessorian and mother-of-three. Since she began studying Montessori nearly a decade ago, her commitment to the first plane of development via the child’s home environment has only grown. With experience and training from the Montessori lens, collegiate studies in human development and education, and in the research and methods of Dr. Emmi Pikler and Magda Gerber, Amy seeks to unite scientific methods with real life parenting. Through her work she hopes to break down barriers, clear misconceptions, and get to the
heart of Montessori, what she believes is the heart of a Mother. Parents, grandparents, mothers, fathers, and caregivers can find accessible ways of bringing Montessori home through Amy’s work at Montessori Like a Mother.

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