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Use your home environment to prevent and deal with tantrums

Emese Szanyi


There is much talk today about discipline and how to encourage our child to cooperate with us. I resonate with the idea of positive/gentle discipline, but what if I told you that many arguments can be avoided by setting up and preparing our home? How can we assist our child in gaining more control and increasing independence without inviting chaos? The physical environment can also play a role in achieving this. Discover how to create a physically and emotionally rewarding environment for a harmonious family life.



Emese Szanyi is an AMI-trained Montessori guide and parent consultant, with a rich background as a mother of two. Despite the daily challenges, Emese draws on her Montessori training to navigate various situations with confidence. She actively engages with numerous parents through Montessori Junior, her social media platform, and private consultations. Emese is dedicated to supporting families in laying a solid foundation for their children’s lives through a mindful approach, focusing on effective communication, providing suitable opportunities, and cultivating mutually respectful relationships.

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