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Fostering your child’s cognitive development 

Alejandra Rosas


There is growing evidence that executive functions such as decision-making, and our ability to regulate our impulses, are greater predictors of our success in life than IQ tests.

In this talk we will discuss ways to foster the development of these important skills, through everyday activities that we can do in the home and any Montessori environment.



Alejandra Rosas is an AMI 0-3 Trainer and the Director of Training at the Montessori Stoppani Institute in Tijuana, México and Los Angeles, CA.

Alejandra has been part of the Montessori Community for over 25 years. She holds AMI 0-3 and 3-6 diplomas, and has worked at both levels, serving countless young children and their families as they navigate their children’s development.

Alejandra works internationally offering 0-3 courses and workshops for teachers, parents, and school administrators. In addition, she serves as an AMI consultant and examiner.

Alejandra enjoys the most, traveling and having new experiences with her loving family.

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