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How children learn best

Sarah R. Moore


In this session, Sarah will empower you to help your children learn in ways that “stick” — so you don’t have to be a broken record, and your children get to ENJOY the process of learning whatever lessons you’re trying to impart to them. Whether you’re helping them master a new skill, they’re struggling in some area, or you just want your daily life to be EASIER, you’ll come away feeling more peaceful, joyful, and connected in your parenting journey.


sarah moore

Sarah R. Moore is the author of Peaceful Discipline: Story Teaching, Brain Science & Better Behavior and founder of Dandelion Seeds Positive Parenting. A certified Master Trainer in conscious parenting and Board Member for the American Society for the Positive Care of Children, she’s also a public speaker, parent coach, armchair neuroscientist, and most importantly, a Mama. Her work has been featured on NBC, CBS, and SiriusXM, and in countless parenting magazines. With training in child development, trauma recovery, interpersonal neurobiology, and improv comedy, her work supports parents around the globe. Follow her on InstagramFacebookYouTubeTikTok,  & Threads.

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