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Practical Parenting to Support the Brain

Julia Volkman


The brain gets more efficient at everything we do repeatedly. So, how do we make the things we do with our children everyday like toileting, dressing, cleaning, eating, chores, and redirecting contribute to a stronger brain? Join Julia for a look at brain development and practical ways that we can support it. We’ll focus on the young child (from birth to around age six) with a few tips thrown in for working with the elementary and adolescent years.


Julia Volkman

Julia Volkman has been teaching children and mentoring teachers in private and public schools since 1997. She is a guest lecturer for Harvard University’s Neuroscience of Learning course, a Montessori mentor, and the founder/president of the educational project Maitri Learning. Ms. Volkman earned her AMI 3 to 6+ diploma from the Montreal Montessori Training Centre (a bilingual program) and her master’s degree from Harvard University. Her work focuses on transforming education into a transdisciplinary, scientific pedagogy grounded in mind, brain, and education.  Ms. Volkman is the mother of two (one by birth and one by adoption) and married to a biochemist/MBA. She enjoys kayaking, hiking, yoga, meditation, and conversation at the dinner table.

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